Ocean Technology Lab Assistant

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR

Job posting number: #7299404

Posted: January 28, 2025

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

Job Description

Position Summary
This recruitment will be used to fill one (1) part-time (a maximum of 24 hours per week) Ocean Technology Lab Assistant position for the College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University (OSU).

Goal: Assist two Ocean Technology Labs in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences. The student will work with Professors Garwood and Zippel to program, calibrate, and deploy ocean instruments, compile documentation, build ocean sampling platforms, and integrate novel sensors.

Position Summary: The Lab Assistant is a combination of scientist, learner, instrument manager, and builder/engineer. The student will focus on preparing instrument for field deployments and designing ocean sampling platforms. The student will work collaboratively with faculty, graduate students, and ocean engineers to learn about a range of ocean instrumentation (commercially available and custom) and develop procedures to support the sea-going efforts of two innovative ocean technology groups.

The Assistant will work 10-15 hours per week ($20/hour) over the course of the academic year with the potential for full-time summer employment and/or continued work in the Fall.
Position Duties
50% Instrument manager – setup, test, calibrate, and deploy custom and commercial oceanographic equipment in the lab and in the field, compile documentation
30% Project innovator – improve, design, and/or build oceanographic sampling platforms
10% Data visualization – visualize oceanographic data using programming
10% Lab maintenance – take on day-to-day jobs to keep lab operational
Minimum Qualifications
Full Employment Eligibility Requirements can be found here: http://fa.oregonstate.edu/stu-manual/500-employment-eligibility-requirements

Must be academically enrolled in a high school, community college, or university and pursuing a program or course of study
Must meet Academic Standing Requirements; students on academic suspension are not eligible for employment
Must meet the applicable minimal enrollment standard
High School student: Regularly enrolled in a high school or participating in a home-schooling program
Undergraduate and post-baccalaureate student: 6 credit hours per term
Undergraduate international student: 12 credit hours per term*
Graduate student officially admitted to Graduate School: 5 credit hours per term
Graduate international student officially admitted to Graduate School: 9 credit hours per term*

*International students may be allowed to carry fewer hours than specified above and still be considered “full-time” by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). A reduced course load is approved by the Office of International Services (OIS), and must be provided to the Student Employment Center.
Additional Required Qualifications
Motivated, interested, engaged and communicative
Able to work independently and as part of a team—open to new ideas and skills, ready to contribute ideas and thoughts
Positive attitude towards occasional long workdays
Excited to learn, design, develop and build under new and changing situations
Enthusiastic to work with and help mentor other students
Good written and verbal communication skills
Preferred (Special) Qualifications
Hands-on experience
Enrolled in engineering, physics, or marine-related field
Experience at sea (research or other) or with conducting science in the field
Experience with oceanographic instruments or sensors
Experience with mechanical and/or electronic prototyping (Arduino/raspberry pi)
Currently enrolled in second year or more of study

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More Info

Job posting number:#7299404
Application Deadline:Open Until Filled
Employer Location:Online Job Advertising
United States
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