Full time professor in Pharmacology
Mexico City, Mexico
Job posting number: #7152214
Posted: June 6, 2023
Application Deadline: September 30, 2023
Job Description
The Department of Pharmacology at the Center of Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnical Institute in Mexico City is accepting applications for a full-time professor. We seek outstanding scientists who will bolster our diverse research portfolio. The ideal candidate will have a solid potential to establish and lead an independent scientific group, aiming to advance our current knowledge on a research area with an impact on human health, mentor graduate students at the master in science and doctoral levels, and teach a specialized course in the area of his/her expertise. Candidates conducting cutting-edge research and employing state-of-the-art methods are especially encouraged to apply. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D., have at least two years of postdoctoral training, and demonstrate a good record of productive and high-quality research.Candidates must present an original research plan with a clear, realistic hypothesis and long-term goals. Candidates are expected to obtain external funding for research.
Required documentation:
- Curriculum vitae
- Application letter
- Research proposal (4-5 pages)
- Three or more contacts to request applicant information
- Other additional documents at the discretion of the applicant
Send all documentation to: [email protected]
Deadline: July 15th 2023
The selected candidates will be informed about the date to present their work plan and interviews (tentative date July-August, 2023).